Easy cinnamon apple slices

Do you want to make a simple, quick and very tasty dessert? Make this delicious and easy recipe of cinnamon apple slices!

Easy cinnamon apple slices on a tureen

Do you like sweetened fruit desserts? This delicious recipe of cooked apple slices flavored with cinnamon is the perfect dessert to serve on any occasion! It's the perfect dessert for your kids! Bon appetit!!!


Here you'll find all the ingredients needed to make this recipe:

  • Red apples - Peeled apple slices.
  • Light brown sugar - To sweeten and flavor.
  • Cinnamon stick - Adds flavor.
  • Cinnamon - Cinnamon powder for sprinkle.
  • Water - To cook the apples.

Below you’ll find the correct measurement of all ingredients and the step-by-step guide for this recipe.


Step 1: Wash, peel the apples, remove the seeds and cut into slices. Apples slices on a dish bowl

Step 2: In a saucepan, add the sliced apples, water, cinnamon stick and the light brown sugar. Apple slices, water, cinnamon stick and light brown sugar on a saucepan

Step 3: Stir and cook over low heat about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Apple slices, water, cinnamon stick and light brown sugar on a saucepan

Step 4: Turn off the heat and pour the apple and the sauce into a tureen or in glass bowls.

Step 5: Sprinkle the apple with cinnamon powder and serve.

Easy cinnamon apple slices on a tureen


1. To prevent the apple from turning brown, drizzle the apple with lemon juice.

2. If you have leftovers, store the dessert in the fridge in a properly covered container (to prevent the growth of microorganisms).

Easy cinnamon apple slices

Easy cinnamon apple slices on a tureen

Do you want to make a simple, quick and very tasty dessert? Make this delicious and easy recipe of cinnamon apple slices!

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    Category:Desserts, Quick & easy, Recipes
    Servings: 3
    Prep Time:5 m
    Cook Time:15 m
    Total Time:20 m


    • 6 red apples
    • 6 tablespoons light brown sugar
    • 1 cinnamon stick
    • Cinnamon powder for sprinkle
    • 6 tablespoons water


    1. Wash, peel the apples, remove the seeds and cut into slices.
    2. In a saucepan, add the sliced apples, water, cinnamon stick and the light brown sugar.
    3. Stir and cook over low heat about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
    4. Turn off the heat and pour the apple and the sauce into a tureen or in glass bowls.
    5. Sprinkle the apple with cinnamon powder and serve.
    Easy cinnamon apple slices
    Nutrition facts
    Serves 3
    Per Serving:
    Calories 300
    Total Fat 1 g(1%)
    Saturated Fat 0 g(0%)
    Cholesterol 0 mg(0%)
    Sodium 10 mg(0%)
    Total Carbohydrate 79.5 g(29%)
    Protein 1 g

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